
How It works

For your unique shipping mark and warehouse address, please contact any of our authorised agents. Send your supplier the address (s). When we receive your goods, we will receive an alert and a tracking number to be able to check the status of your goods throughout the shipment process.


Why Us?

In today's complex, uncertain world, we continue to pursue that same mission, working hard every day to win our consumers' trust! We've become experts in supply chain management and all of its connected services over that time


Fees for warehousing are low.

After 14 days of free storage, we charge the lowest warehousing rates of 1RMB/kg each day.


Smart Warehousing.

To guarantee effective cargo handling, our warehouses are equipped with cutting-edge AI solutions.

Best Timing & Prices

We offer probably the best cargo rates from China by getting a big discount from the top qualified logistics & transportation carrier, then provide a large percentage of that to our valuable customer.


Our warehouses are guarded 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to safeguard against cargo loss, and all products in our warehouse are insured.